Thursday, September 12, 2002

Whilst I'm on my soap box, I'm reading Below the Breadline, an account of a UK journalist trying to live off the minimum wage of £4.10 an hour. This is not new stuff. It's empathic social commentary or something like that. The book quotes Orwell's Down and Out in London and Paris as an influence.

But, it's a pretty good read and illuminating on how tough it must be for people in the underclasses. Although the author, Fran Abrams, says that there is, according to (lies, damn lies and) Government statistics, only 1% or 2% living at this level in the UK, I can't help think there is about a similar number or more living below this level living on the streets, in hostels or squats, taking jobs for cash only in the gray market.

Also read Noam Chomsky's 9-11 recently, but I'll resist the urge to add my views on the anniversary etc.

Okay, I can't resist. This from the Guardian:

On holiday in the Black Sea, Russian's president Vladimir Putin phoned George Bush to voice Russia's condolences. "In Russia we say that time heals everything, but there are things that we cannot forget and which must not be forgotten," Mr Putin said.

Yeah, like Chechnya.

:: Posted by pete @ 13:13