Sunday, February 23, 2003


The latest from Dhaka (where I spent three "interesting" days last month). We finished off our two days of negotiations with a signing ceremony in a room buzzing with mosquitoes.

I was somewhat surprised at how docile the mozzies were - only two bites over three days. I've had the pleasure of experiencing the voracious beasties of Alaska in prime Mozzie season (June). Driving throught the Alaska Range I got out of the car to photograph a moose only to be driven back within 30 seconds as the mosquitoes homed in on me. You may have heard of the pictures of people walking through the muskeg in Alaska surrounded by a "coat" of bugs.

Of course, the Alaskan critters don't carry dengue fever or malaria. The latter is apparently not a problem in Dhaka. I took no chances popping anti-malarials and dosing up on DEET and other bug repellents. One of our hosts was indignant that this was unnecessary - just drink quinine (preferably in a gin and tonic).

:: Posted by pete @ 18:15