Thursday, March 06, 2003


"That hurts! That really hurts!" That is about as much as I can remember about the procedure yesterday.

The examination lasted about 20 minutes. Of course, I had to wait 20 minutes for the consultant to turn up. In the meantime, I had one of those plug things fitted to a vein so they could pump me full of DRUGS ("just say 'zzzzzzzz'"). The "mad professor" - he is an Icelander with a frosty bedside manner - appeared, got me to sign the consent form. (What if I had said, "er, no"?) Then in with the sedative and painkiller. "You'll start feeling drowsy immediately, but you'll only be half asleep." Instead, I dropped off and only remember blurting out when I felt a sharp pain. Next thing I know I'm in recovery feeling like I've been run over by a 68 bus (low pitched "urrrrrrrrr" of brakes). Two cups of hot chocolate later, (Hot chocolate? Boy was I out of it!) I got dressed, nearly fell over and found my wife in reception. Got home and crashed for two hours or so. In the meantime, I scarfed a banana, toast and two cups of caw-fee.

The consultant said everything was fine. I have to go back in two weeks to discuss some "wacky" treatments.

:: Posted by pete @ 11:06