Sunday, March 23, 2003


It has been unseasonable warm in London today. In fact, we've had nearly a week of sunshine and no wind, temps around 10-14 C, but up to 17 C today. So, no excuse not to bike for peace. I did about 11.5km yesterday and 20.5 today. My bum hurts.

If this weather ain't evidence of global warming, then I'm Saddam Hussein. Oh, and he probably isn't dead. I reckon they got one of his look-a-likes. Can't be arsed to link any news articles. Yesterday's Guardian had some top notch stuff in it. But, I'd like to forget about it. First causalty of war: the truth. Unfortunately, I've seen that my body counter has rocketed up in the last few days.

I feel a margharita coming on!

:: Posted by pete @ 18:20