Tuesday, April 29, 2003


Here's something to get your teeth into...

"The German port of Hamburg has been offered 10,000 euros ($US10,500) to change its name to "Veggieburg" by animal rights activists, who are unhappy about the city's association with hamburgers.

The offer has come from the German branch of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)

A similar offer was made to the city of Hamburg, New York.

But, this is hardly a frivolous offer as the letter says:

"Every year, millions of hamburger-eaters are sickened by killers like heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and other ailments—and more and more American kids who are fed hamburgers, pepperoni pizza, and hot dogs are waddling into obesity."

Pass the ketchup!

:: Posted by pete @ 12:40