Friday, August 01, 2003


Lots of reasons why the Donut has been silent, including slothfulness in front of the TV. But good reason too, because BBC-2 is showing two episodes of "Malcolm in the Middle" every Thursday in the infamous "cult" spot - i.e. you've got to hurry home from work to see it. (For more of the BBC's irritating scheduling policy, see "Seinfeld" - occasionally on very late on a Friday night and sometimes cancelled due to Bowls from Blackpool or skating from Slovenia. Ditto "Larry Sanders" - the best TV programme ever, full stop, no arguments.)

These days I find TV very boring. The only things I want to watch are sport, Channel 4 News and the odd documentary (and the latter usually disappoint me). But, "Malcolm" is a breath of fresh air. When it came on US screens about 4 years ago it was one of the most innovative and funny things to appear for some time. Shame that it was churned out by the evil Fox. Sad to say that Fox has produced three of the only series I consider worth watching - "The Simpsons", "Malcolm" and the irreverent and un-PC "Family Guy" (but also some of the worst - "Cops" etc). That trio made my Sunday night ironing in front of the TV bearable.

...I think I'm need of a life...

:: Posted by pete @ 12:59