Sunday, November 02, 2003


Because nothing is original, I pinched Yorkshire Soul's idea of a quick blogsurf.

Barnga! "The fair and balanced thoughts of a Texas Jewboy on politics, the world, driving, the greatest state in the union and everything else." was my first stop. Someone got here via James's site - probably via Blogsnob. Anyway, James is riled about Dubya and the "infamous "Mission Accomplished" banner". He wrote this a few days before today's news about 15 deaths when a missile downed a US helicopter in Iraq.

Next up Fresh, Hot Wastes of Time "Personal mutterings, squallings, babbling, grunts, moans, and occasionally something intelligent" via Texas blogs. Here I learn that the aurora is visible from Houston. But, of course, not London. Er, also some rather disturbing links to gun sites.

Onwards to Infinitely pie, which contains some good advice: "Take it from me, don't marry an intolerant non-smoker if you're a smoker."

Somebody proclaiming that they're Tampa trash writes Electric Bugaloo. More here about the celestial light show. Damn, I'm pissed I've missed this.

By the power of Blogsnob, it was on to terreus next. Something about the Samhain festival here: a Celtic thing. Also, a nice bit of the McCartney boy, I mean girl, I mean... who cares.

And, that's about it for tonight's wee sojourn.

:: Posted by pete @ 21:57