Sunday, February 15, 2004


1. Are you superstitious?

No, touch wood.

2. What extremes have you heard of someone going to in the name of superstition?
Sports team coaches wearing the same suit, players dressing in the a particular order, running on to the field in a particular place (last or next to last)

3. Believer or not, what's your favorite superstition?
Garlic to ward off vampires.

4. Do you believe in luck? If yes, do you have a lucky number/article of clothing/ritual?
You make your own luck.

5. Do you believe in astrology? Why or why not?
Er, no. One reason - the "science" is all wrong. I'm "born under" Taurus, which is supposed to mean that if you could see it during the day, the sun would be seen against the constellation Taurus. However, astrology was invented more than 2000 years ago. Since then, due to "progression" of the sun, the positions of the sun against the constellations has moved one forward. So I wasn't "born under" Taurus, but Gemini.

:: Posted by pete @ 18:56