Tuesday, February 24, 2004


Forget nobodies like Kerry...

"On the Iraq War:

"President George W Bush rushed into war at the expense of real information, and without gathering together the appropriate level of confidence in our facts. Because of this hurry, we were unable to convince our allies to join us, creating a "Go It Alone" foreign policy and a doctrine of unilateral invasion. America has lost over 500 soldiers as a result of this policy, and squandered the opportunity for international respect. Had Gay Penguin been in office, this war would not have taken place.

"On Foreign Policy:

"George W Bush has alienated our allies, including France, Germany, and the United Nations. Under Gay Penguin's leadership, they would not be in an adverserial position today. Who could feel culturally threatened by a Gay Penguin?"

Gay Penguin's gotta be my candidate.

:: Posted by pete @ 15:07