Friday, December 31, 2004


From (the Blogger's favourite) BBC Online

Web logs or blogs are everywhere, with at least an estimated five million on the web and that number is set to grow.

...this year the focus has been on blogs which cast a critical eye over news events, often writing about issues ignored by the big media or offering an eye-witness account of events.

Ignore me at your peril!

Most blogs may have only a small readership[ahem], but communication experts say they have provided an avenue for people to have a say in the world of politics.

US research think-tank Pew Internet; American Life says a blog is created every 5.8 seconds, although less than 40% of the total are updated at least once every two months.

Well, this blog is likely to get updated a little more often than twice a month. The same might not be said about others in the Iamadonut stable, viz. Commuterland, DonutInOz. You can help the former by contrinuting your commuting stories. As regards the latter, you expect me to update my holiday blog 2 months after I got home? Answers on a postcard or drop a comment in the comments box.

Happy New Thing.

:: Posted by pete @ 13:26