Monday, October 24, 2005


Ma and Pa celebrate 55 years of marriage. The last 10 or so have been tough. The last year has been the toughest.

Rain hits London as Autumn is now in full swing.

Maenwhile, Florida gets wrecked.

The phone rings; I don't bother to answer.

In the back garden, a fox continues to squat. Start paying rent you feline bastard.

In a vain effort to make life interesting, I try to restart my project of recording a CD a night on a mini-disc for replying in my head whilst bored commuters read the Metro or listen to bad music on iPods.

Too many cups of coffee will be drunk. Time for them to sober up.

Rain starts to fall again. The back lawn becomes a lake. Our resident fox dons wellington boots.

Lots of people will die violent deaths in far off places. Closer to home, other people will die violent deaths. But, the stock market's doing well so that's alright.

The Ozzie Sox win the World Series. Probably.

I go back. Missing an hour in the process.

:: Posted by pete @ 15:58