Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Kill All Hippies

Nice motor, Steve.

A night of committee-ing with the gardeners.

Not much else happened so here's a photo of beans and cuke.

"Pay No Mind (Snoozer)" - Beck
"My Father, My King" - Mogwai
"Distance Comes in Droves" - Archers of Loaf
"O Salutaris Hostia" - Jan Garbarek and the Hilliard Ensemble
"Brandenburg Concerto No.1" (J.S. Bach) - Muencher Bach-Orchester
"Lament" - King Crimson
"Deepest Shadows Have Light" - Rothko
"Kill All Hippies" - Primal Scream
"Onions" - Do Make Say Think
"The Sewing Machine" - The Sea and the Cake
"The Slaughter of the Innocents" - King Crimson
"Helicon 2 (Max Tundra Re-mix) - Mogwai
"We're Pastie to be Grill You" - The Orb
"River of Bass" - Underworld
"Glue of the Otherworld" - Four Tet

(posted after the fact)

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:: Posted by pete @ 23:59